Link to Us

Linking back to PokéPrint is a great way to show your support and spread the word to the community. You can use any of the text or image links below, or you could create your own if you wish.

HTML link (for websites):
<a href="">PokéPrint</a>

BBCode link (for forums):

Our buttons:
88 by 31px 88 by 16px
If you choose to use one of these buttons, you must upload it to your own server, as images cannot be hotlinked from PokéPrint.


If you're interested in affiliating your site with PokéPrint, please ensure that it meets the following requirements:

Generally, I will not affiliate with any of the following: sites that are largely member-exclusive (eg. stand-alone forums), sites offering illegal downloads (eg. emulators/ROMs), sites that sell or deal with console or game hacking/modification, fanlistings, Tumblr blogs, or any site that generates pop-ups, auto-playing music, or excessive advertisements.

If you believe your site meets the above standards, please go ahead and contact us via email.